Thanks for visiting. I’ve put in a blogging page to allow others to add their comments, views, and anything that’s on their minds. Please keep your comments clean.
Just a note on blogging on this platform: I chose Merle, our Australian Shepherd, as our moderator. I’ve found Merle to be a fount of wisdom, so he reviews and approves (or disapproves) of posts. Now Merle is a serious fellow: if Merle the Moderator disapproves of posts, they will be removed without discussion. Merle doesn’t care for debate. It bores him.
The Chiphead’s Posts
I would like to recommend a book that our group is using as a Bible study. It’s really very good and speaks to the foundational aspects of our faith in God and Jesus Christ. The name of the book is Major Bible Themes by Lewis Sperry Chafer. It is really one of the best educational books that I’ve seen in a very long time and is easy to read. It speaks to the history of the Bible, defends the notion that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and takes on a number of different aspects of Christianity.
OK, this is the first post to the blog. Hopefully this will become a useful utility to others.